ISEM research unit (Institut des Sciences de l'Évolution de Montpellier)
The central point of all my scientific activity is to respond to the contemporary global issues of research and sustainable and human development with an innovative articulation that bridges Health, Environment and Human Sciences. It is in this One Global Health context (need to better understand the role of wildlife and the environment in the emergence of pathogens, in the mechanisms of transmission to humans in order to anticipate and control the emergence of infectious diseases) that my research is situated. This approach also leads to an interest in the study of socio-economic changes and their impact on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning on the one hand, and on the other, in their implication on the emergence of animal and human infectious diseases.
I am currently leading international research programmes, with the ability to implement integrated and multidisciplinary studies in a range of aquatic ecosystems. This systemic approach allows a better understanding of biodiversity conservation processes and in turn provides a useful scientific knowledge base for managers in the South to implement legislation to support France's commitment to international agreements such as the Kyoto Protocol, the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the EU Water Framework Directive and this through international panels such as IPBES (Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services). Through regular dialogue with environmental agencies, I ensure that my research contributes to the decision-making process on prediction, impact, audits and monitoring of biodiversity.
Since the beginning of the pandemic, my work on OneHealth approaches has given me the opportunity to contribute to the IRD's "Covid-19" Interdisciplinary and Partnership Scientific Committee, to the IRD OneHealth Knowledge Community (CoSav) and finally to the PREZODE preparation committee, an initiative launched by the president of the republic E. Macron and supported by the CEOs of INRAE, IRD and CIRAD. Within this framework, I contribute more specifically to different working groups and notably to the AfriCam project supported by the AFD and which aims in a first phase at the implementation of OneHealth projects in Cambodia, Guinea, Ivory Coast and Madagascar.