IHPE research unit (Interactions Hôtes Pathogènes Environnement
SI work on both fundamental and applied research aspects related to human and animal Bilharziasis. All my work aims to control the transmission of this parasitosis.
Concerning fundamental aspects, I am interested in the genetic flow of pathogens in the different compartments of the parasite life cycle. I use genetics or population genomics tools on the stages infecting vertebrate (human, rodent, or livestock) or invertebrate (mollusc vector) hosts and eDNA tools in aquatic environments. Related with these pathogen genetic flows, I try to identify the ecological and evolutionary processes that structure the populations of parasites and the mechanisms that can promote or limit their transmission. For example, I am interested in the role of drug pressure, the influence of reservoir hosts, the relative effects of the genetic diversity of the pathogen and the patient's genetic backgound on morbidity ... etc. Finally, in collaboration with colleagues from my research unit, I am working on more functional aspects to decipher the molecular mechanisms underlying the different phenotypes identified in natural populations.
Concerning applied aspects, in collaboration with chemists I work on the development of new treatments to fight against Bilharziasis. In recent years we have been trying to develop treatments that target both the plasmodium and the schistosome. As scientific advisor within the company ParaDev® we are working on the development of rapid tests (POC) to diagnose human and animal Bilharziasis.