ASTRE research unit ( Animal - Santé - Territoires - Risques - Ecosystèmes)
Specialized in host-pathogen interactions, I joined ASTRE unit at CIRAD-Montpellier in March 2021 to work on ruminant mycoplasmoses which are important diseases worldwide and and for which several are listed by the World Organization for Animal Health to be of major economic significance. My interest is focused on 3 mycoplasma-induced diseases currently listed by the World Organization for Animal Health (WOHA): (i) CCPP (contagious caprine pleuropneumonia) of which the causal agent is M. capricolum subsp. capripneumoniae (Mccp). This disease rife in Africa, in the Middle East and along eastern European borders. It is found in small ruminants and in wildlife, (ii) CBPP (contagious bovine pleuropneumonia) which is caused by Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides (Mmm). This disease is found in cattle and is of consequence in Africa (iii) CA (contagious agalactia) which affects mainly small ruminants with a syndrome which can take many clinical forms called MAKePS (Mastitis, Arthritis, Keratoconjunctivitis, Pneumonia and Septicemia). CA is caused by several Mycoplasma species: M. agalactiae affects sheep and goats, while mycoplasmas in the spiroplasma group, consisting of M. mycoides subsp. capri (Mmc), M. capricolum subsp. capricolum (Mcc) and M. putrefaciens mainly affect goats. Today, I am involved in the international reference laboratory of ruminant mycoplasmosis and I develop scientific projects to improve knowledge on these diseases. My main focus is to study host-pathogen interactions using genomic and molecular tools, to develop new diagnostic and control tests and to study virulence factors and mechanisms involved in the pathogeny of these diseases.
All along my way, I had the opportunity to work on different models, in different institutions, going towards genomics to functional studies. I did my PhD at IRD Montpellier studying host-pathogens-environments interactions on Anopheles gambiae – Plasmodium falciparum model in natural conditions of transmission, then I got a post-doctoral position in Madang in Papua New Guinea to study the epidemiology of plasmodium transmission. After a carrier break for parental leave, I ‘d worked on different topics such as (i) biomarkers linked with infertility and cancer in woman, (ii) on the development of new genotyping protocols for 3 sexually transmitted bacteria (N. gonorrhoeae, M. genitalium, C. trachomatis), (iii) on pathogens adaptations in new environment regarding interactions between human, great apes, and malaria parasites (P. vivax et P. vivax-like), (iv) on the interactions between wild, domestic fauna and infectious risks (Foot and Mouth disease and Brucellosis).